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Software Design Verification for Aerospace and Defense

Aerospace and defense companies worldwide rely on MATLAB and Simulink across all technology readiness levels, from prototypes to their most important safety and mission critical systems.

Aerospace engineering teams commonly use Model-Based Design to manage and reconcile complex requirements, automatically generate code, and rigorously test models and systems. In Model-Based Design, a system model is at the center of the development process, from requirements development, through to design, implementation, and testing. Aerospace engineering organizations adopt Model-Based Design for high-integrity systems as a method to manage requirements and ensure they are met, automatically generate code, and rigorously test models and systems (Figure.1).

Figure.1 Model-Based Design Workflow


  • Software Design Verification for Aerospace and Defense

    Aerospace and defense companies worldwide rely on MATLAB and Simulink across all technology readiness levels, from prototypes to their most import…
  • MATLAB and Simulink for Model-Based Systems Engineering

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