Türkiye Akademik Forum
24-25 Ekim 2023

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- MATLAB&Simulink
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- Figes Türkiye Akademik Forum 2023
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Türkiye Akademik Forum 2023’ te ülkemizin önde gelen üniversitelerinden birbirinden değerli akademisyen ve araştırmacılarının MATLAB kullanarak geliştirdikleri çalışmalarına ve bu çalışmaların MATLAB ile entegre edildiği ders müfredatlarına ulaşabilirsiniz. Bu yıl gerçekleştirdiğimiz forumda yer alan sunumlar, MATLAB’ın geniş yelpazedeki uygulama alanlarına dair harika bilgilerle dolu!
Kontrol Mühendisliği ders entegrasyonlarından Psikiyatri araştırmalarına, Kardiyovasküler Sistemler üzerinden Biyomühendislik alanındaki avantajlara kadar, MATLAB’ın bilimsel çalışmalardaki ve akademideki önemini keşfederek MATLAB ile gerçekleştirilen projelerle ilgili yeni bilgiler edinebilir, ülkemizin öncü akademisyenlerinden ilham alabilirsiniz!
Yarışma Detayları
Türkiye Akademik Forum 2023 ile MATLAB ’in farklı alanlardaki uygulamalarından haberdar olun.
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Mühendislik ve Tıp
Alanlarındaki Etkileri
Sunum Dosyaları
Optimization Tools for Soft and Rigid Robots
Fabio Stroppa (Eng., Ph.D.) is a researcher in Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Interaction. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science Engineering from Polytechnic University of Bari in 2011 and 2013 and the Ph.D. in Perceptual Robotics from Scuola Sant’Anna, Pisa, in 2018. He received postdoc training at CHARM Lab, Stanford University, California, from 2019 to 2021. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Kadir Has University, where he is also head of EVO Lab. His publications and main research interests deal with computer vision for control purposes of robotic devices, robotic-based neurorehabilitation, bioinformatics, virtual reality, search and optimization methods, and artificial intelligence. -
Developing Mathematical: Geosciences related applications with MATLAB
Assist. Prof Güneş ERTUNÇ received his PhD in Mining Engineering in 2013 from Hacettepe University, Department of Mining Engineering, in the field of geostatistics, with his thesis titled “Resource Estimation with Covariance Matching Kriging Method”. Güneş Ertunç also completed the CFSG Graduate Program in France during her doctorate and completed her master’s degree on 3D geochemical anomaly detection at METU Department of Geology in 2023. He conducts research on ore modeling and geostatistical resource estimation, application of pattern recognition and classification algorithms to mineral resource classification, mostly using MATLAB, and on anomaly outlier statistics in the field of economic geology. -
Processing fMRI data with MATLAB
Orhan Murat Koçak received his specialization from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, in 2002. He worked as a faculty member at Kırıkkale University between 2005-2020. He is working as a professor in the Department of Mental Health and Diseases at Başkent University Faculty of Medicine since 2020. His interests include obsessive-compulsive disorder, functional neuroimaging, and computational neuroscience. We are currently carrying out different projects in these areas as a department. -
Integrating Experimental Photonics with MATLAB
Mehmet Bütün is a dedicated master’s student at Bilkent University’s Physics Department, where he passionately engages in cutting-edge research at the Photonics Devices Laboratory. His primary focus revolves around the fascinating realm of laser-written photonic devices, under the guidance of Dr. Onur Tokel. His works mainly focuses on the numerical and experimental development of novel photonic devices buried in silicon. -
MATLAB in Energy Systems
Nezihe Yıldıran completed the undergraduate and graduate programs in Electrical Engineering at Istanbul Technical University in 2003 and 2007. She carried out research and development activities on power electronics in the private sector for 8 years. In 2012, she started her PhD program in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Bahçeşehir University. Since completing her studies in 2018, she has been working as a doctoral faculty member at the Energy Systems Engineering Department of the same university. -
Kardiyovasküler Sistem Benzetim Devresi
Ahmed Alhajyounis was born in Medina, Saudi Arabia, in 2002. After completing high school in Saudi Arabia, he came to Turkey to continue his education. He decided to study Biomedical Engineering at Yıldız Technical University in Turkey and is on his way to graduating with high honors. Ahmed contributed to studies and R&D projects in different fields during his undergraduate education. He is actively working on the heart support pump and cardiovascular system simulation circuit in the Physiological Control Laboratory at Yıldız Technical University. Thanks to these studies, he has written his name in scientific publications in areas such as nonlinear control and CFD-based design optimization. In addition to pursuing a master’s degree and doctorate degree after his undergraduate education, he aims to continue his academic career by participating in different R&D projects in the field of Biomedical Engineering. -
Makine Öğrenmesi Tabanlı Kardiyovasküler Sistemin Parametre Tahminlemesi (CVS-ANN)
Mert Yiğit started his higher education at Yıldız Technical University and joined the Physiological Control Laboratory (PCL) in his second year. Here he focuses on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and geometry optimization on Solidworks for Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD). He has also worked on Cardiovascular system parameter estimation using Machine Learning methods on MATLAB. After graduation, he aimed to do a master’s degree abroad and then take part in R&D studies on Machine Learning in the Biomedical field. -
Modeling, Simulation and Control of Legged Robots Using MATLAB/Simulink and MuJoCo Physic Engine
Hakan Temeltas received the MSc degree in Control and Computer Engineering from Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in 1987. He also received his PhD degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from The University of Nottingham, UK in 1993. Currently he is a Professor in Control and Automation Engineering Department at ITU. He is also responsible from Robotic laboratory in the same department. His research interests are development of modeling, control, guidance and autonomous navigation methods for various unmanned systems with various type of sensors. He also interests planning, coordination and synchronization of multi robot system based on control theoretic methodologies. -
Teaching AI for Control Engineers
Assistant Professor Dr. Claudia Fernanda Yaşar is an electrical engineer from the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira . She received a ‘DEA’ Diploma of Advanced Studies in 2010, which is equivalent to a Master of Science with a thesis option, from Castilla-La Mancha University . She finished an International Doctorate in Mechatronics, from Castilla-La Mancha University in 2016, and graduated with an honorary mention for the thesis titled: Design, Modelling and Control of Two Degree Of Freedom Flexible Antenna Sensors. After her PhD, she was priced with The Best Spanish PhD thesis Robotics’ award 2017, and The Outstanding student award in 2018 from Castilla-La Mancha University. Claudia worked from 2008 to 2019 as a Research Assistant at Castilla-La Mancha University, Electrical Engineering, Automation and Communications Department, Ciudad Real, and has been working since 2018 as an Assistant Professor at Yıldız Teknik University. She is married and has daughter. -
Project Based Learning: New Education Model at Kadir Has University
Mine Stroppa is an Assistant Professor in the department of Mechatronics Engineering at Kadir Has University in Istanbul. She has received her Bachelor degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Yeditepe University in Istanbul, then her Master’s degree in Mechatronics at Sabancı University in Istanbul. She completed her PhD in Perceptual Robotics at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, Italy and I have performed some of those research activities in Multimodal Simulation Laboratory at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain. After completing my PhD, She has worked as postdoctoral researcher in two research groups: at Perceptual Robotics Laboratory at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and at Charm Lab under the department of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. Her awards include the 2013 TUBITAK International Travel Award, 2017 IEEE World Haptics Best Paper Award, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Travel Award, and 2022 TUBITAK International Travel Award. I have been the project coordinator for three TUBITAK projects (International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers (2232-B), 1001, and 1002). -
MATLAB Toolbox Development For The Research Community: SimRIS Channel Simulator
İbrahim Yıldırım completed his undergraduate and graduate degrees at Istanbul Technical University. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Koç University. Dr. He continues his doctoral studies under the supervision of Ertuğrul Başar. He also continues his research as a Visiting Researcher at McGill University. In addition, he works as a research assistant at Istanbul Technical University. In 2021, he was awarded the Exemplary Reviewer Award for his evaluation work in the IEEE Transactions on Communications journal, and in the same year, he received the Best Article Award for his work introducing the SimRIS Channel Simulator at the IEEE LATINCOM Conference. He also won the IEEE ComSoc 2021 Best Master’s Thesis Award with his master’s thesis titled “New System Design with Media-Based Modulation”. His current research interests include multiple input-output (MIMO) systems, and adaptive smart surfaces. He also serves as a referee in prestigious journals such as IEEE Journal On Selected Areas In Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and IEEE Communications Letters. -
Recep Muhammet Görguluarslan graduated from TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2010. He received his doctorate degree from the Mechanical Engineering Department of Georgia Institute of Technology in 2016 with a Fulbright scholarship and worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the same department in 2017. Additionally, he worked as a research engineer at Toyota Research Institute North America for two summers during his PhD. In 2018, he joined TOBB University, Department of Mechanical Engineering as an Assistant Professor. He has been working as an Associate Professor in the same department since 2022. His research interests include computational mechanics, topology optimization, design for additive manufacturing, lattice materials, uncertainty quantification, multi-scale modeling and deep learning.